Smart Breakz

Smart Breakz, PJD PRO EVENTS, Real Un Real

Smart Breakz

763 763 people viewed this event.

Kommen / Peivol / Chawer / Furney & Lady Emz / Acronik / Lerba

Smart Breaks ha nacido con ganas de fomentar la cultura de los breaks más puros y oldschool. Un viaje underground en la bella escena del drum and Bass, donde no hay más leyes que el drum and bass, el amor y vibrar al ritmo de ritmos rotos. Resistencia y mucho amen break! Smart breaks viene con la intención de rememorar los clásicos y dar visibilidad a los nuevos, un profundo viaje a la cultura del drum and bass más pura! Pronto se anunciaran próximos eventos donde no faltará el groove y la buena energía, ese es nuestro sello! ¡Os esperamos con ganas!

Smart Breaks has emerged with the desire to foster the culture of the purest and oldschool breaks. An underground journey into the beautiful scene of drum and bass, where there are no laws other than drum and bass, love, and vibrating to the rhythm of broken beats. Resistance and plenty of amen break! Smart Breaks comes with the intention of commemorating the classics and giving visibility to the new, a deep dive into the purest culture of drum and bass! Soon, upcoming events will be announced where groove and good energy will be abundant, that’s our hallmark! We eagerly await your presence!

Ticket Information

Early Bird
Sales Ended: 07-06-2024 00:00
Entrada General 1
Sales Ended: 30-06-2024 00:00
Entrada General 2
Sales Ended: 12-07-2024 17:00

Additional Details

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To register for this event <strong>email your details to</strong> <a class="event_registration_email" href=""></a>

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89 spots left

Date And Time

12-07-2024 @ 20:00 to
13-07-2024 @ 03:00

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